Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Better Cup o' Joe

Fresh Roasted Coffee Beans
This weekend, my boyfriend and I finally took the leap and roasted our first batch of coffee beans.  We've been looking into it for a while now but never started.  This weekend I decided to surprise him with the green (unroasted) coffee beans and the equipment for roasting.  We roasted a Guatemalan Huehuetenango to espresso/ dark french.
During the roasting process, a lot of smoke is produced! It was as though something was burning!  Roasting beans are fun and tricky.... they can turn from city roast to espresso in less than a minute.

It tasted great! We usually like our coffee low on acidity, dark, nutty with chocolate tastes- all that this coffee had.  I can't wait to roast another batch.

Oh, did I mention that the beans were all organic and fair trade?  We like to support fair trade farmers- who feeds everyone's food needs.  Organic and fair trade farmers practice sustainable farming and soil conservation.  Thumbs up for those farmers!

Fresh brewed espresso
Thanks to my sisters, I recently received an espresso machine- what better way to test the fresh coffee beans!   There is nothing like a fresh latte/ cappuccino made from home roasted beans.  Plus- we get to save $3 from going to starbucks.
 Homemade Latte/ cappuccino 


  1. Wow Bena! This is a wonderfully written blog. It was very accessible and detailed. I think you've found your calling! Coffee and sustainable farming...this could be it for you! Plus, when I'm more wealthy, I'll open up a coffee shop and you can be my head coffee master, purchaser, and business partner. I'm looking forward to reading many, many more of your life moments. Cheers!

  2. Dear Author,

    Beautiful heart and mind, all clearly expressed through one blog post! Well done, I love this update. My own horn toots... Toot, toot! You have great sisters who are happy they chipped in for such a lovely gift so that you can share life's sweet and savory moments. Look forward to reading more from you. Best wishes, always!

  3. Benni =) Forget cover letters, your blogs express who you are much better. Life's sweet and savory moments, you have found your calling. P.S. There was a Trader Joe's at the conference I went to at Ohio and I got Dustin Dark Chocolate Expresso Beans. =) Love, Ni
