I've been so busy this week so I couldn't do the Just Desserts Challenge until today. For those who don't watch Top Chef Just Desserts, week 1's elimination challenge was to showcase chocolate. I decided to make a French Silk Chocolate Pie. I've been wanting to make it since I saw it in Cook's Country. My Dearest said that the pie is deceiving because it looks like it is milk chocolate and was excepting it to be really sweet..but instead it was deep dark chocolate taste to it and wasn't too sweet at all. I put a little Kahlua (coffee liqueur) in there enhance the flavors a little more, I also put it into the whipped cream=]
Fall is pie season...and chocolate is always in season ;) so lets make a chocolate pie!
French Silk Chocolate Pie (Cook's Country) 9 in. Pie pan
1 cup heavy cream
3 large eggs
2 tablespoons of water
8 oz of bittersweet/dark chocolate (melted and cooled)
8 tablespoons of butter (cut into 8 pieces and softened)
1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
1- 9in pie shell, baked and cooled
Coffee or Chocolate liquor (optional)
1. Whip cream with electric mixer on med-high speed. Whip until stiff peaks, 2-3 minutes. Transfer into a bowl and refrigerate.
2. Combine eggs, water and sugar in to large heatproof bowl, set over saucepan filled with simmering water. DO NOT LET THE BOILING WATER TOUCH THE BOWL. With electric mixer on medium speed- beat the egg mixture until it reaches 160 degrees and is thickened. It will take about 7-10 min. Remove bowl from heat and continue to beat the egg mixture until light and fluffy and cooled to room temperature- about 8 minutes.
3. Add melted chocolate and vanilla extract into the egg mixture and beat until combined. Beat in the butter, a few pieces at a time until well combined.
4. Using a spatula, fold in whipped cream until no streaks of white remain. Scrape filling into pie shell.
Serve with fresh whipped cream and share with a love one
or... they can get their own slice ;) |
Refrigerate until set- at least 3 hours and up to 24 hours.
Serve and be happy!
So how did I do?
And to show you what is upcoming... week 2's dessert is inspired by Lemon-Strawberry Mojito =]